Derek Hall
Nordic Network of International Schools
PYP class teaching position for January 2023
International School of Telemark

Nordic Network Founders Grant
Guidelines for Applications
The Founders Grant was created to encourage initiatives within Nordic Network Member Schools that foster collaboration and support student learning.
The Grant is awarded annually to one or more Nordic Network Member Schools that have been successful with their application.
Should more than one Nordic Network Member School be successful with their application then the financial benefit will be shared.
Criteria for and eligibility for applying:
The applicant school must be a fully paid up Nordic Network Member School
The project seeking support should benefit student learning
The project should involve networking across two or more fully paid up Nordic Network Member Schools
The applicant school seeking The Founders Grant and the partner school(s) must have the written support of the appropriate Heads of School. This should be sent on a seperate email to the Nordic Network at the email address below. Processing of the application will not take place until the Nordic Network has received this.
Application and decision process:
Applicant schools should complete the online application form and email it along with any supporting material to: nordicnetworkonline@gmail.com
Applications should arrive no later than February 28th to be considered that year.
Applications received after this date will not be considered for that school year.
Applications will be reviewed by an impartial sub-committee of the Nordic Network Board of Trustees.
The successful applicant school(s) will be informed by email from the Secretary of the Nordic Network not later than the date of the AGM and will be required to attend and present an update of the project at the Educators Conference of that calendar year.
Unsuccessful schools will also be informed by email from the Secretary of the Nordic Network not later than the date of the AGM